About Us

Courthouse Horizons is owned and operated by Princess Anne Courthouse Volunteer Rescue Squad and Fire Department (PACHVRS).

Seventy-five years ago, the then PACHVFD station was the center of socialization in our community. Community members would use the station for dances, scout classes, community meetings and community parties. In April of 2018 PACHVRS leadership learned that the Board of Directors for Virginia Beach FOP Princess Anne Lodge # 8 intended to sell their lodge building and property. In April of 2019, after a year of negotiation, PACHVRS entered into an agreement with the Virginia Beach FOP Princess Anne Lodge # 8 to purchase the building and property located on Birdneck Road.

PACHVRS renamed the social hall Courthouse Horizons.
The meaning and symbology of the name and the logo chosen to represent the facility are:

  • Courthouse: represents our roots & our origins in the Princess Anne Courthouse community, and the volunteer membership of PACHVRS
  • Horizons: represents the physical distance from our home stations and the bright future we are looking toward.
  • The Logo: Sphere represents the full circle that we are completing as we once again try to have the social center for the community and our fellow volunteers. The break in the center of the sphere represents the horizon.
  • The Colors: As an acknowledgement of the parent organization, the colors used are the primary colors of the Princess Anne Courthouse Volunteer Rescue Squad

Courthouse Horizons is located at 961 S. Birdneck Road, Virginia Beach, VA and is available to the public for event rentals.

Courthouse Horizons Logo